Publications in international journals
M. Gallo (2024) Combined Optimisation of Traffic Light Control Parameters and Autonomous Vehicle Routes. Smart Cities, 7, pp. 1060-1088, ISSN: 2624-6511, doi: 10.3390/smartcities7030045.
M. Marinelli, M. Gallo (2024) An integrated bus transit service for demand-responsive urban public transport. Transportation Research Procedia, 78, pp. 327-334, ISSN: 2352-1465, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2024.02.042.
M. Gallo (2023) Models, algorithms, and equilibrium conditions for the simulation of autonomous vehicles in exclusive and mixed traffic. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 129, article id. 102838, 24 pages, ISSN: 1569-190X, doi: 10.1016/j.simpat.2023.102838.
M. Gallo, M. Marinelli (2023) The Use of Hydrogen for Traction in Freight Transport: Estimating the Reduction in Fuel Consumption and Emissions in a Regional Context. Energies, 16, article id. 508, 20 pages, ISSN: 1996-1073, doi: 10.3390/en16010508.
M. Gallo, R.A. La Rocca (2022) The Impact of High-Speed Rail Systems on Tourist Attractiveness in Italy: Regression Models and Numerical Results. Sustainability, 14, article id. 13818, 35 pages, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su142113818.
M. Gallo, M. Marinelli (2022) The Impact of Fuel Cell Electric Freight Vehicles on Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions: The Case of Italy. Sustainability, 14, article id. 13455, 17 pages, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su142013455.
R. Fistola, M. Gallo, R.A. La Rocca (2022) Micro-mobility in the “Virucity”. The effectiveness of e-scooter sharing. Transportation Research Procedia, 60, pp. 464-471, ISSN: 2352-1465, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2021.12.060.
R. Fistola, M. Gallo, R.A. La Rocca (2021) Cities between smartness and emergencies: exploring the role of e-scooter in the “transition era”. European Transport\Trasporti Europei, 85, paper n. 11, ISSN 1825-3997, doi:
M. Gallo, M. Botte, A. Ruggiero, L. D’Acierno (2020) A simulation approach for optimising energy-efficient driving speed profiles in metro lines. Energies, 13, article id. 6038, 17 pages, ISSN: 1996-1073, doi: 10.3390/en13226038.
M. Gallo, M. Marinelli (2020) Sustainable Mobility: A Review of Possible Actions and Policies. Sustainability, 12, article id. 7499, 39 pages, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su12187499.
M. Botte, M. Gallo, M. Marinelli, L. D’Acierno (2020) A Methodology for Increasing Convergence Speed of Traffic Assignment Algorithms Based on the Use of a Generalised Averaging Function. Applied Sciences, 10, article id. 5698, 23 pages, ISSN: 2076-3417, doi: 10.3390/app10165698.
M. Gallo (2020) Assessing the equality of external benefits in public transport investments: The impact of urban railways on real estate values. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 8, pp. 758-769, ISSN: 2213-624X, doi: 10.1016/j.cstp.2020.05.008.
A. Cartenì, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2020) A rational decision-making process with public engagement for designing public transport services: a real case application in Italy. Sustainability, 12, article id. 6303, 26 pages, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su12166303.
M. Gallo (2020) A piecewise-defined function for modelling traffic noise on urban roads. Infrastructures, 5, article id. 63, 10 pages, ISSN: 2412-3811, doi: 10.3390/infrastructures5080063.
G. De Luca, M. Gallo (2020) The use of Artificial Neural Networks for extending road traffic monitoring data spatially: an application to the neighbourhoods of Benevento. Transportation Research Procedia, 45, pp. 635-642, ISSN: 2352-1465, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.047.
R. Fistola, M. Gallo, R.A. La Rocca, F. Russo (2020) The Effectiveness of Urban Cycle Lanes: From Dyscrasias to Potential Solutions. Sustainability, 12, article id. 1221, 23 pages, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su12062321.
M. Gallo, G. De Luca, L. D’Acierno, M. Botte (2019) Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting Passenger Flows on Metro Lines. Sensors, 19, article id. 3424, 14 pages, ISSN: 1424-8220, doi: 10.3390/s19153424.
M. Gallo (2019) An Optimisation Model to Consider the NIMBY Syndrome within the Landfill Siting Problem. Sustainability, 11, article id. 3904, 18 pages, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su11143904.
D. Zilioniene, L. D’Acierno, M. Botte, M. Gallo (2019) A General Methodology for Reducing Computing Times of Road Network Design Algorithms. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 6, pp. 126-141, ISSN: 2383-2525, doi: 10.22034/2019.2.3.
M. Gallo, G. De Luca (2018) Spatial extension of road traffic sensor data with Artificial Neural Networks. Sensors, 18, article id. 2640, 14 pages, ISSN: 1424-8220, doi: 10.3390/s18082640.
M. Gallo (2018) The impact of urban transit systems on property values: a model and some evidences from the city of Naples. Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2018, article id. 1767149, 22 pages, ISSN: 2042-3195, doi: 10.1155/2018/1767149.
L. D’Acierno, M. Botte, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2018) Defining reserve times for metro systems: An analytical approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2018, article id. 5983250, 15 pages, ISSN: 2042-3195, doi: 10.1155/2018/5983250.
M. Gallo (2018) Improving equity of urban transit systems with the adoption of origin-destination based taxi fares. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 64, pp. 38-55. ISSN: 0038-0121, doi: 10.1016/j.seps.2017.12.005.
M. Gallo, C. Buonocore (2017) The inclination of university students towards carpooling: critical aspects and opportunities. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, pp. 407-412, ISSN: 2367-8933.
R. Iannella, M. Gallo, G. De Luca, F. Simonelli (2017) Regression Methods for Spatially Extending Traffic Data. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 5, pp. 5-14, ISSN: 2349-4476.
A. Placido, C. Petito, M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2017) Managing disruptions and disturbances on railway services: A real-scale case study. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, 1, pp. 695-710, ISSN: 2058-8305, doi: 10.2495/tdi-v1-n4-695-710.
L. D’Acierno, A. Placido, M. Botte, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2016) Defining robust recovery solutions for preserving service quality during rail/metro systems failure. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 3, pp. 1351-1372, ISSN: 2383-1359.
M. Gallo, G. De Luca (2016) A methodology for evaluating urban traffic plan scenarios from the point of view of traffic noise. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 15, pp. 187-197, ISSN: 1109-2734, E-ISSN: 2224-266X.
M. Gallo, G. De Luca (2016) Evaluation of urban traffic plan scenarios in terms of traffic noise abatement. International Journal of Transportation Systems, 1, pp. 98-103, ISSN: 2367-9131.
B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2014) A multimodal approach for determining optimal public transport fares. Journal of Applied Sciences, 14 (21), pp. 2767-2781, ISSN: 1812-5654, doi: 10.3923/jas.2014.2767.2781.
A. Placido, V. De Martinis, B. Montella, M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2014) Effects of travel demand levels on optimal strategies for metro system management in failure contexts. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Science, 111, pp. 819-828, ISSN: 1877-0428, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.116.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella, A. Placido (2013) Evaluation of travel demand impacts in the case of rail system failure. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Science, 87, pp. 75-84, ISSN: 1877-0428, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.595.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2013) Comparing algorithms for solving the Local Optimisation of Signal Settings (LOSS) problem under different supply and demand configurations. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Science, 87, pp. 147-162, ISSN: 1877-0428, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.600.
V. De Martinis, M. Gallo (2013) Models and methods to optimise train speed profiles with and without energy recovery systems: a suburban test case. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Science, 87, pp. 222-233, ISSN: 1877-0428, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.606.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2012) A meta-heuristic algorithm for solving the road network design problem in regional contexts. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 54, pp. 84-95, ISSN: 1877-0428, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.728.
M. Gallo, V. Marzano, F. Simonelli (2012) Empirical Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Trade Gravity Models. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, N. 2269, ISSN: 0361-1981, pp. 29-41, doi: 10.3141/2269-04.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2012) An Ant Colony Optimisation algorithm for solving the asymmetric traffic assignment problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 217, pp. 459-469, ISSN: 0377-2217, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.09.035.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2011) The transit network design problem with elastic demand and internalisation of external costs: an application to rail frequency optimisation. Transportation Research C, 19 (6), pp. 1276-1305, ISSN: 0968-090X, doi:10.1016/j.trc.2011.02.008.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2011) A multilayer model to simulate cruising for parking in urban areas. Transport Policy, 18, pp. 735-744, ISSN: 0967-070X, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2011.01.009.
L. D’Acierno, R. Ciccarelli, B. Montella, M. Gallo (2011) A multimodal multiuser approach for analysing pricing policies in urban contexts. Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (4), pp. 599-609, ISSN: 1812-5654, doi: 10.3923/jas.2011.599.609.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2011) A fixed-point model and solution algorithms for simulating urban freight distribution in a multimodal context. Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (4), pp. 647-654, ISSN: 1812-5654, doi: 10.3923/jas.2011.647.654.
M. Gallo (2011) A fuel surcharge policy for reducing road traffic greenhouse gas emissions. Transport Policy, 18, pp. 413-424, ISSN: 0967-070X, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2010.11.003.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2010) A meta-heuristic approach for solving the Urban Network Design Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 201, pp. 144-157, ISSN: 0377-2217, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2009.02.026.
. Cascetta, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2006) Models and Algorithms for the Optimization of Signal Settings on Urban Networks with Stochastic Assignment. Annals of Operations Research 144, pp. 301-328, ISSN: 0254-5330, doi: 10.1007/s10479-006-0008-9.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2006) Optimisation models for the urban parking pricing problem. Transport Policy, 13, pp. 34-48, ISSN: 0967-070X, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2005.08.001.
Publications in international books
(1) R. Fistola, M. Gallo, R.A. La Rocca, R. Battarra (2020) The missing path: Promiscuous bicycle lanes in urban areas. In “Pedestrians, Urban Spaces and Health” (Editors: M. Tira, M. Pezzagno, A. Richiedei), 6 pages, ISBN: 97-81-003027-37-9.
(2) S. Ullo, M. Gallo, M. Di Bisceglie, C. Galdi, M. Marinelli, L. Glielmo, G. Palmieri, P. Amenta, A. Ferrara, M. Ferrucci, G. Romano, M. Russo, M. De Angelis (2020) A flexible mobility system based on small and low-emission vehicles for smart and green mobility. In “Internet of Things: Technologies, Challenges and Impact” (Editors: L. Atzori, G. Ferrari), CNIT Technical Report-05, pp. 227-247, ISSN: 2704-9035, ISBN: 978-88-94982-38-1.
(3) M. Gallo, M. Marinelli, I. Cavaiuolo (2020) The Effects of Accessibility on the Location of Manufacturing Companies: The Italian Case Study. In “Web, Artificial Intelligence and Network Applications - Proceedings of the Workshops of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2020)” (Editors: L. Barolli, F. Amato, F. Moscato, T. Enokido, M. Takizawa), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1150, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1362-1372, ISSN: 2194-5357, ISBN: 978-3-030-44037-4, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44038-1_124.
(4) M. Botte, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2019) Effects of rolling stock unavailability on the implementation of energy-saving policies: A metro system application. In “Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2019: Proceedings Part II” (Editors: S. Misra, O. Gervasi, B. Murgante, E. Stankova, V. Korkhov, C. Torre, A.M.A.C. Rocha, D. Taniar, B.O. Apduhan and E. Tarantino), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11620, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 120-132, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 978-3-030-24295-4, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-24296-1_12.
(5) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2018) An Origin-Destination Based Parking Pricing Policy for Improving Equity in Urban Transportation. In “New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems.” (Editors: P. Daniele, L. Scrimali), AIRO Springer Series, vol. 1, pp. 247-255. Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-00472-9, Online ISBN: 978-3-030-00473-6, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-00473-6_27.
(6) R. Fistola, M. Gallo, R. La Rocca, M. Raimondo (2018) Soft mobility in the “oblique city”. In “Town and Infrastructure Planning for Safety and Urban Quality.” (Editors: M. Pezzagno, M. Tira), Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 319-326, ISBN: 978-0-8153-8731-2.
(7) M. Gallo (2017) A Model and Algorithm for Solving the Landfill Siting Problem in Large Areas. In “Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications. ODS 2017.” (Editors: A. Sforza, C. Sterle), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 217, pp. 267-274, Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-319-67307-3, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-67308-0, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-67308-0_27.
(8) M. Gallo, F. Simonelli, G. De Luca (2017) The potential of energy-efficient driving profiles on railway consumption: a parametric approach. In “Transport Infrastructure and Systems” (Editors: G. Dell’Acqua, F. Wegman), Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 819-824, ISBN: 978-1-138-09009-1, doi: 10.1201/9781315281896-106.
(9) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2015) MSA algorithms for solving the combined assignment-control problem. In “Recent Researches in Mechanical and Transportation Systems” (Editor: I.J.Rudas), Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering Series, vol. 47, pp. 90-96, ISSN: 2227-4588, ISBN: 978-1-61804-316-0.
(10) M. Gallo, G. De Luca, V. De Martinis (2014) The effects of urban traffic plans on noise abatement: a case study. In “The Sustainable City IX – Urban Regeneration and Sustainability” (Editors: N. Marchettini, C.A. Brebbia, R. Pulselli, S. Bastianoni), WIT Transactions on Ecology and Environment Series, vol. 191, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 583-594, ISSN: 1743-3541, ISBN: 978-1-78466-023-9, doi: 10.2495/SC140491.
(11) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2014) Application of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Transportation Problems. In: Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lirkov I., Margenov S. and Wasniewski J. (eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8353, pp. 215-222, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-662-43880-0, ISSN: 0302-9743, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-43880-0_23.
(12) V. De Martinis, U. Weidmann, M. Gallo (2014) Towards a simulation-based framework for evaluating energy-efficient solutions in train operation. In “Computers in railways XIV” (Editors: C.A. Brebbia, N. Tomii, P. Tzieropoulos, J.M. Mera), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 135, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 721-732, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-766-7, doi: 10.2495/CR140601.
(13) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, L. Biggiero, B. Montella (2014) Replanning public transport services in the case of budget reductions. In “Urban Transport XX – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editor: C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 138, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 77-88, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-778-0, doi: 10.2495/UT140071.
(14) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2014) Global Optimisation of Signal Settings: meta-heuristic algorithms for solving real-scale problems. In: Computer-based Modelling and Optimization in Transportation, Freire de Sousa J. and Rossi R. (eds.). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 262, pp. 177-193, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-04629-7, ISSN: 2194-5357, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04630-3_14.
(15) L. D’Acierno, G. De Luca, M. Gallo (2013) Minimisation of total delay in two-way coordinated arterials. In “Urban Transport XIX – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editor: C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 130, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 41-51, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-716-2, doi: 10.2495/UT130041.
(16) V. De Martinis, M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2013) Estimating the benefits of energy-efficient train driving strategies: a model calibration with real data. In “Urban Transport XIX – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editor: C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 130, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 201-211, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-716-2, doi: 10.2495/UT130161.
(17) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella, A. Placido (2012) Analysis of the interaction between travel demand and rail capacity constraints. In “Urban Transport XVIII – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editors: J.W.S. Longhurst and C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 128, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 197-207, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-580-9, doi: 10.2495/UT120181.
(18) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2011) A theoretical multimodal assignment model for simulating intermodal trips. In “Urban Transport XVI – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editors: A. Pratelli and C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 116, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 17-29 ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-520-5, doi: 10.2495/UT110021.
(19) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2011) A multimodal approach to bus frequency design. In “Urban Transport XVI – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editors: A. Pratelli and C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 116, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 193-204 ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-520-5, doi: 10.2495/UT110171.
(20) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2010) Ant Colony Optimisation approaches for the transportation assignment problem. In “Urban Transport XVI – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editors: A. Pratelli and C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 111, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 37-48, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-456-7, doi: 10.2495/UT100041.
(21) B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2010) Optimisation of transit fares: a multimodal approach based on system and external costs. In “Urban Transport XVI – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editors: A. Pratelli and C.A. Brebbia), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 111, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 125-136, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-456-7, doi: 10.2495/UT100121.
(22) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2008) A fixed-point model and algorithms for simulating urban freight distribution in a multimodal context with crossed congestion. In: “Urban Transport XIV – Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century” (Editor: C.A. Brebbia), Transactions on the Built Environment Series, vol. 101, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 589-598, ISSN: 1746-4498, ISBN: 978-1-84564-123-8, doi: 10.2495/UT080571.
(23) B. Montella, M. Gallo, L. D'Acierno (2000) Multimodal network design problems; in “Urban Transport V - Urban Transport and the Environment for the 21st Century”, (Editor: Sucharov L.J.), WIT PRESS, Southampton, Boston, 2000, pp. 405-414. ISSN: 1462-608X, ISBN: 1-85312-695-0, doi: 10.2495/UT990381.
Publications in international conference proceedings
M. Gallo (2024) Optimisation Models for the Location of Refuelling Stations for Fuel Cell Electric Freight Vehicles in Italy: Preliminary Tests. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Naples, Italy, pp. 1-5. ISBN IEEE Explore: 979-8-3503-7390-5, doi: 10.1109/ESARS-ITEC60450.2024.10819846.
M. Gallo (2024) Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles: Literature Analysis to Identify Barriers to Their Deployment and Possible Mitigation Strategies. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2024 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), pp. 1-6, ISBN IEEE Explore: 979-8-3503-5518-5, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEUROPE61470.2024.10751322.
M. Marinelli, M. Gallo (2023) Assessing the Impact of Eco-ADAS Systems on Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emissions at Signalised Intersections. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), pp. 1-5, ISBN IEEE Explore: 979-8-3503-4743-2, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEUROPE57605.2023.10194679.
M. Gallo, M. Marinelli (2022) The Impact of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles for Freight Transport on CO2 Emissions: a Case Study. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), pp. 1-6, ISBN IEEE Explore: 978-1-6654-8537-1, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope54979.2022.9854768.
M. Gallo, M. Marinelli, R. Pedicini (2021) Optimal Location of Transfer Stations for Waste Management: a Real Case Study. Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC 2021) and 5th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I&CPS 2021), Bari, Italy, September 2021, pp. 896-901, ISBN Proceedings: 978-1-6654-3612-0, ISBN IEEE Explore: 978-1-6654-3613-7, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope51590.2021.9584711.
M. Marinelli, M. Gallo (2021) A Time-Responsive Approach for Sustainable and Flexible Mobility Services. Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC 2021) and 5th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I&CPS 2021), Bari, Italy, September 2021, pp. 965-970, ISBN Proceedings: 978-1-6654-3612-0, ISBN IEEE Explore: 978-1-6654-3613-7, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPS Europe51590. 2021.9584813.
(5) M. Gallo, M. Botte, A. Ruggiero and L. D’Acierno (2020) The optimisation of driving profiles for minimising energy consumptions in metro lines. Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC 2020) and 4th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I&CPS 2020), Madrid, Web Conference, June 2020, pp. 886-891, ISBN: 978-1-7281-7453-2, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope49358.2020.9160686.
F. Simonelli, F. Tinessa, M. Gallo, V. Marzano, A. Romano (2020) Ecodriving in high frequency rail service. Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC 2020) and 4th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (I&CPS 2020), Madrid, Web Conference, June 2020, pp. 1524-1529, ISBN: 978-1-7281-7453-2, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope49358.2020.9160651.
M. Gallo, A. Amo Guevara (2019) A Model for Estimating the Impact of National Transport Investments on the Rail Modal Share and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe) – Genova, Italy, June 2019, pp. 369-373, ISBN Proceedings CDROM: 978-1-7281-0652-6, ISBN IEEE Explore: 978-1-7281-0653-3, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2019.8783712.
M. Gallo, S. Ullo, P. Amenta, G. Palmieri, A. Ferrara, M. Ferrucci, M. Russo, M. De Angelis (2018) A Flexible Mobility System based on CHIP Architectures: the NETCHIP Research Project. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe) – Palermo, Italy, June 2018, pp. 602-607, ISBN Proceedings CDROM: 978-1-5386-5185-8, ISBN IEEE Explore: 978-1-5386-5186-5, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2018.8494462.
S. Ullo, M. Gallo, G. Palmieri, P. Amenta, M. Russo, G. Romano, M. Ferrucci, A. Ferrara, M. De Angelis (2018) Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to Environmental Monitoring for Sustainable Mobility. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environmental Engineering (EE) – Milan, Italy, March 2018, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-4182-8, doi: 10.1109/EE1.2018.8385263.
G. De Luca, M. Gallo (2017) Artificial Neural Networks for forecasting user flows in transportation networks: literature review, limits, potentialities and open challenges. Proceedings of 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Naples, Italy, 26-28 June 2017, pp. 919-923, ISBN: 978-1-5090-6484-7, doi: 10.1109/MTITS.2017.8005644.
M. Gallo, F. Montone (2017) The potential effects of real-time parking (RTP) systems on cruising for parking and greenhouse gas emissions. Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe) – Milan, Italy, June 2017, pp. 663-668, ISBN Proceedings CDROM: 978-1-5386-3916-0, ISBN IEEE Explore: 978-1-5386-3917-7, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2017.7977508.
M. Gallo, F. Simonelli, G. De Luca, C. Della Porta (2016) An Artificial Neural Network approach for spatially extending road traffic monitoring measures. Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS 2016), Bari, Italy, June 2016, pp. 209-213, ISBN: 978-1-5090-2369-1, doi: 10.1109/EESMS.2016.7504841.
M. Gallo, O. Mascolino, G. Mazza (2016) A model for estimating road traffic noise in urban areas. Proceedings of IEEE EEEIC 2016 – 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Florence, Italy, June 2016, pp. 374-378, ISBN: 978-1-5090-2319-6, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2016.7555411.
G. Siano, M. Gallo, L. Glielmo (2015) A Method for Managing Transportation Requests and Subdivision Costs in Shared Mobility Systems. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS-2015), Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2015, pp. 152-158, ISBN: 978-989-758-109-0, doi: 10.5220/0005459501520158.
F. Simonelli, M. Gallo, V. Marzano (2015) Kinematic formulation of energy-efficient train speed profiles. Proceedings of AEIT International Annual Conference 2015, Naples, Italy, October 2015, pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-8-8872-3728-3, doi: 10.1109/AEIT.2015.7415255.
(16) M. Gallo, F. Simonelli, G. De Luca, V. De Martinis (2015) Estimating the effects of energy-efficient driving profiles on railway consumption. Proceedings of IEEE EEEIC 2015 – 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Rome, Italy, June 2015, pp. 813-818, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7992-9, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2015.7165269.
A. Placido, L. D’Acierno, M. Botte, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2015) A sensitivity analysis of recovery solutions in the case of rail disruption management. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington (D.C.), USA, January 2015.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella, A. Placido (2013) The definition of a model framework for managing rail systems in the case of breakdowns. Proceedings of IEEE ITSC 2013 – 16th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2013, pp. 1059-1064, ISSN: 2153-0009, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2913-9, doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728372.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2012) The Road Network Design Problem in Regional Contexts: Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Real-Scale Problems. Proceedings of TRB 2012 Annual Meeting.
R. Fistola, M. Gallo (2012) The knowledge of the territory: a method for generating a road register by an integrated GIS. In: “Planning Support Tools: Policy Analysis, Implementation and Evaluation. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Urban and Regional Planning INPUT 2012” (Editors: M. Campagna, A. De Montis, F. Isola, S. Lai, C. Pira, C. Zoppi), Franco Angeli Editore, pp. 1177-1189, ISBN: 978-88-568-7597-3.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2010) An Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) algorithm for solving the Local Optimisation of Signal Settings (LOSS) problem on real-scale networks. In: “Selected proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research” (Editors: J.M. Viegas and R. Macario), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010, ISBN: 978-989-96986-1-1.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2010) An optimisation model and algorithms for solving the multimodal network design problem in regional contexts. In: “Selected proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research” (Editors: J.M. Viegas and R. Macario), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010, ISBN: 978-989-96986-1-1.
M. Gallo, V. Marzano, F. Simonelli (2010) A system of models for the analysis of the freight corridor between Italy and China: parametric vs. non parametric trade gravity models. In: “Selected proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research” (Editors: J.M. Viegas and R. Macario), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010, ISBN: 978-989-96986-1-1.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2010) A multimodal approach to solving the transit fare optimisation problem. In: “Conference proceedings of XVI PANAM – XVI Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering and Logistics” (Editors: R. Macario and J.M Viegas), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010, ISBN: 978-989-96986-2-8.
M. Gallo, B. Montella, L. D’Acierno (2009) A multilayer network assignment model to simulate parking in urban areas. Proceedings of XIII Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, 23-25 September 2009 Padua (Italy), Padova University Press, ISBN: 978-88-97385-20-2.
M. Gallo, B. Montella, L. D’Acierno (2009) TDM strategies for reducing environmental impacts of road traffic in presence of unusual demand. In “Proceedings of XVI International Conference SIDT 2009: Transport management and land-use effects in presence of unusual demand” (Editors: L. Mussone and U. Crisalli), Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), pp. 9-14, ISBN: 978-88-387-4378-9.
L. D’Acierno, B. Montella, M. Gallo (2009) A Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE) algorithm for mass transit networks based on Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO). In “Proceedings of XVI International Conference SIDT 2009: Transport management and land-use effects in presence of unusual demand” (Editors: L. Mussone and U. Crisalli), Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), pp. 181-186, ISBN: 978-88-387-4378-9.
R. Ciccarelli, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2008) Analyses of pricing policies in a second-best solution context. In “10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Athens, Greece, May 2008”, vol. 2, Curran Associates inc., Reed Hook (NY), USA, pp. 1287-1301, ISBN: 978-1-61738-831-6.
M. Gallo (2007) Changing user perceptions of road costs to reduce private car use and road traffic externalities. Proceedings of “Kuhmo Nectar Conference 2007 – Pricing, Financing, Regulating Transport Infrastructures and Services”, Urbino, 12-13 July 2007, ISSN: 1971-8810.
M. Gallo, B. Montella, L. D’Acierno (2007) A meta-heuristic approach for solving large network design problems. Proceedings of 11th World Conference on Transport Research, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 24-28 June 2007.
B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2007) Transportation network design methods under the assumption of elastic demand. Proceedings of “11th World Conference on Transport Research”, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 24-28 June 2007.
M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2006) Effect of external cost internalisation on transit design problems. In “Proceedings of the EWGT2006 Joint Conferences”, pp. 16–21, ISBN 88-901798-2-1.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2006) A hyper-network model for simulating park-and-ride trips. In “Proceedings of the EWGT2006 Joint Conferences”, pp. 125–129, ISBN 88-901798-2-1.
L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo e B. Montella (2005) A multimodal approach for managing transportation design problems of real size networks. In “Advanced OR and AI Methods in Transportation” (Eds.: A. Jaszkiewicz, M. Kaczmarek, J. Zak, M. Kubiak), Publishing House of Poznan University of Technology, pp. 200–205, ISBN 83-7143-239-5.
L. D’Acierno, B. Montella, M. Gallo (2002) Multimodal assignment to congested networks: fixed-point models and algorithms. Proceedings of PTRC 2002 “European Transport Conference 2002”, Cambridge (UK) 9-11 September 2002, ISSN: 1474-9122, ISBN: 0-86050-340-2.
E. Cascetta, M. Gallo, B. Montella (1999) An asymmetric SUE model for the combined assignment-control problem; Selected proceedings of 8th WCTR, Volume 2, Pergamon 1999, pp. 189-202. ISBN: 0-08-043590-4.
E. Cascetta, M. Gallo, B. Montella (1999) Optimal signal setting on traffic networks with stochastic equilibrium assignment; Preprints of TRISTAN III - Puerto Rico - 17-23 Giugno 1998.
B. Montella, M. Gallo, R. Amirante (1999) A general bus network design model and its application; Preprints of TRISTAN III - Puerto Rico - 17-23 Giugno 1998.
Publications in national journals
(1) M. Gallo (2016) Il superamento dei livelli di inquinamento da polveri sottili nelle città Italiane: alcuni punti da chiarire. SmartCity & MobilityLab, n. 12, pp. 8-12, ISSN 2281-6534.
(2) M. Gallo, F. Simonelli, G. De Luca, V. De Martinis (2015) Il risparmio energetico per il trasporto ferroviario: le potenzialità dell’eco-drive. SmartCity & MobilityLab, n. 7, pp. 14-19, ISSN 2281-6534.
(3) M. Gallo, G. De Luca (2014) Piani Urbani del Traffico. La valutazione degli scenari ai fini della riduzione dell’inquinamento acustico. SmartCity & MobilityLab, n. 4, pp. 4-10, ISSN 2281-6534.
(4) M. Gallo, G. De Luca, L. D’Acierno (2014) The design of signalised intersections at area level. Models and Methods. TEMA, Special Issue June 2014, pp. 453-464, ISSN: 1970-9870.
(5) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, R. Ciccarelli, B. Montella (2011) Un sistema di supporto alle decisioni per l’analisi dei conflitti derivanti da politiche di pricing. TEMA, Vol. 4, n. 4, pp. 11-24, ISSN: 1970-9870.
(6) M. Gallo (2010) Estimating External Costs of Transportation in Regional Areas Using Available Statistical Data: the Case of the Region of Campania. TEMA, Vol. 3, Selected Papers 2009, pp. 107-120, ISSN: 1970-9870.
(7) R. Fistola, M. Gallo, R. A. La Rocca (2009) Mobilità veicolare, emissioni inquinanti e impatti sulla salute pubblica. TeMA Vol. 2, n. 2, pp. 47-58, ISSN: 1970-9870.
(8) M. Gallo (2007) I costi esterni della mobilità: tipologie e metodi di stima. TeMA n. 0, pp. 59-63, ISSN: 1970-9870.
(9) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno, B. Montella (2007) La progettazione delle reti di trasporto collettivo: introduzione dell’ipotesi di domanda elastica. MobilityLab 15, pp. 30-33.
(10) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2006) La progettazione multimodale dei sistemi di trasporto: modelli, algoritmi ed applicazioni numeriche. Trasporti & Territorio n. 2/2006, pp. 51-60.
(11) M. Gallo (2002) Un approccio meta-euristico alla progettazione dei parametri topologici delle reti di trasporto urbano. Sistemi di Trasporto n. 1/2002, pp. 15-33. ISSN 0394-8471.
(12) B. Montella, M. Gallo (1998) Metodologie per la progettazione delle reti di trasporto e loro applicazione: l’utilizzo di MT-Model; Sistemi di Trasporto, n. 3-4 1998, pp. 30-45. ISSN 0394-8471.
(13) E. Cascetta, M. Gallo, B. Montella (1997) Un modello SUE asimmetrico per l’assegnazione e la progettazione dei parametri di regolazione semaforica; Trasporti e Trazione n. 4, 1997, pp.165-175. ISSN 1120-8732.
Publications in national books
(1) R. Fistola, M. Gallo, R.A. La Rocca (2014) Nuovi approcci per la gestione della “mobilità dolce” all’interno della città. I sistemi di bike-sharing. In “La città sobria” (a cura di F.D. Moccia), Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, pp. 307-316, ISBN: 978-88-495-2738-4.
(2) M. Gallo, F. Simonelli (2013) Progetto della regolazione di intersezioni semaforizzate a livello di area: uno stato dell’arte. In “Linee guida per l’analisi e il progetto di reti urbane di trasporto. Metodologie: stato dell’arte e modelli” (a cura di A. Vitetta), Maggioli Editore, pp. 79-94, ISBN: 978-88-387-8220-6.
(3) M. Gallo, F. Simonelli, G. De Luca (2013) Progetto della regolazione di intersezioni semaforizzate a livello di area: metodologie. In “Linee guida per l’analisi e il progetto di reti urbane di trasporto. Metodologie: stato dell’arte e modelli” (a cura di A. Vitetta), Maggioli Editore, pp. 163-181, ISBN: 978-88-387-8220-6.
(4) M. Gallo, G. De Luca (2013) Descrizione del caso di studio: il sistema stradale urbano del Comune di Benevento. In “Linee guida per l’analisi e il progetto di reti urbane di trasporto. Applicazioni” (a cura di A. Vitetta), Maggioli Editore, pp. 13-25, ISBN: 978-88-387-8241-1.
(5) M. Gallo, G. De Luca, L. D’Acierno (2013) Progetto della regolazione di intersezioni semaforizzate a livello di area: applicazione. In “Linee guida per l’analisi e il progetto di reti urbane di trasporto. Applicazioni” (a cura di A. Vitetta), Maggioli Editore, pp. 93-110, ISBN: 978-88-387-8241-1.
(6) B. Montella, M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2010) The role of accessibility indexes and pricing policies in urban planning. In “Regional architecture in the Mediterranean area” (Editors:A. Bucci and L. Mollo), Alinea Editrice, Firenze, pp. 416-422, ISBN: 978-88-6055-293-8.
(7) B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2009) Applicazione ad un caso reale della metodologia proposta. . In “Metodologie di progettazione dei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale nelle aree a domanda debole” (a cura di B. Montella e L. D’Acierno), Aracne Editrice S.r.l., Roma, pp. 83-100, ISBN: 978-88-548-2905-3.
(8) M. Gallo, B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, R. Ciccarelli (2008) Metodologie di gestione della domanda di mobilità in ambito urbano basate su politiche di pricing. In “Metodi, modelli e tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle decisioni. Parte prima: Metodologie” (a cura di L. D’Ambra, P. Rostirolla e M. Squillante), Collana Economia - Ricerche, vol. 365.693, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 233-241, ISBN: 978-88-464-8381-2.
(9) B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, G. Montella, M. Gallo (2008) Metodologie di progettazione delle reti di trasporto a domanda elastica. In “Metodi, modelli e tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle decisioni. Parte prima: Metodologie” (a cura di L. D’Ambra, P. Rostirolla e M. Squillante), Collana Economia - Ricerche, vol. 365.693, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 275-283, ISBN: 978-88-464-8381-2.
(10) M. Gallo (2008) Una politica di tassazione del carburante tesa alla riduzione dell’uso dell’auto privata e dei costi esterni. In “Interventi e metodologie di progetto per una mobilità sostenibile – Extended abstract” (a cura di G. Guido e G. Mazzulla), Scorpione Editrice S.r.l., Taranto, pp. 111-116, ISBN 978-88-8099-176-2.
(11) M. Gallo (2008) La stima della riduzione dei costi esterni prodotti dal traffico veicolare a seguito della realizzazione di sistemi di trasporto su ferro in ambito regionale; un caso di studio. In “Reti e servizi ferroviari per le aree metropolitane italiane” (a cura di M. de Luca e V. Marzano), Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 71–78, ISBN 978-88-464-9774-1.
(12) M. Gallo (2006) Una stima dei costi esterni dei sistemi di trasporto in Regione Campania. In “Trasformazioni, coesioni, sviluppo territoriale. Temi emergenti nelle scienze regionali” (a cura di G. Brunetta e R. Fistola), vol. 1390.38, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 265-284, ISBN 88-464-7917-3.
(13) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2006) I sistemi di supporto alle decisioni per la pianificazione, la progettazione e la gestione dei sistemi di trasporto. In “Metodi, Modelli e Tecnologie dell’informazione a Supporto delle Decisioni” (a cura di P. Amenta, L. D’Ambra, M. Squillante e A. Ventre), Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 191–199, ISBN 88-464-7440-6.
(14) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella, D. Pinto (2006) La gestione dei sistemi di trasporto attraverso il supporto di tecnologie ITS: l’utilizzazione dei veicoli sonda. In “Metodi, Modelli e Tecnologie dell’informazione a Supporto delle Decisioni” (a cura di P. Amenta, L. D’Ambra, M. Squillante e A. Ventre), Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 135–142, ISBN 88-464-7440-6.
(15) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2006) La progettazione delle reti di trasporto collettivo con domanda elastica ed internalizzazione dei costi sociali. In “Didattica e ricerca nell’ingegneria dei trasporti” (a cura di P. Ferrari e E.M. Cepolina), Collana Trasporti, vol. 1797.23, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 130-136, ISBN 88-464-7501-1.
(16) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2005) Proprietà teoriche dei modelli di assegnazione multimodale nel caso di funzioni di costo non separabili. In “Metodi e tecnologie dell’ingegneria dei trasporti – Seminario 2002” (a cura di G. E. Cantarella e F. Russo), Collana Trasporti, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 414–427, ISBN 88-464-6181-9.
(17) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2005) Un modello multimodale e multiutente per l’ottimizzazione delle tariffe di sosta in ambito urbano. In “Metodi e tecnologie dell’ingegneria dei trasporti – Seminario 2002” (a cura di G. E. Cantarella e F. Russo), Collana Trasporti, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 505–524, ISBN 88-464-6181-9.
(18) M. Gallo (2004) Tendenze innovative nel rilievo dei dati di traffico. In “I sistemi stradali di trasporto nella società dell’informazione – Monitoraggio, simulazione e predisposizione di basi informative dinamiche” (a cura di G.N. Bifulco), Aracne Editrice, Roma, pp. 46–56, ISBN 88-7999-857-9.
(19) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2003) Un modello per la determinazione delle tariffe ottimali per il Trasporto Pubblico Locale. In “Metodi e tecnologie dell’ingegneria dei trasporti – Seminario 2001” (a cura di G.E. Cantarella e F. Russo), Collana Trasporti, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 256–272, ISBN 88-464-4264-4.
(20) B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2003) I Programmi Triennali dei Servizi (PTS): una possibile applicazione delle Linee Guida. In “Modelli e metodi per la programmazione dei servizi di Trasporto Pubblico Locale: applicazioni a casi reali” (a cura di F. Russo), Collana Trasporti, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 19–37, ISBN 88-464-5347-6.
(21) B. Montella, M. Gallo (2002) Un modello per la progettazione dei sistemi di trasporto collettivo in ambito urbano; In “Rilievi, modellizzazione e controllo del traffico veicolare”, a cura di Festa D.C. e Astarita V., Franco Angeli Editore, 2002, pp. 182-201. ISBN 88-464-3672-5.
(22) B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2002) Un modello di assegnazione multimodale: formulazione, proprietà teoriche ed algoritmi risolutivi. In “Metodi e tecnologie dell’ingegneria dei trasporti – Seminario 2000”, a cura di Cantarella G.E. e Russo F., Franco Angeli Editore, 2002, pp. 392-407. ISBN 88-464-3412-9.
(23) B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2002) Stato dell’arte sulle strutture tariffarie nelle aziende di TPL. In “Modelli e metodi per la programmazione dei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale: uno stato dell'arte”, a cura di F. Russo, Franco Angeli editore, 2002, pp. 101-116. ISBN 88-464-3536-2.
(24) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2002) La riforma del Trasporto Pubblico Locale (TPL) in Italia: il quadro normativo di riferimento. In “Modelli e metodi per la programmazione dei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale: uno stato dell'arte”, a cura di F. Russo, Franco Angeli editore, 2002, pp. 19-34. ISBN 88-464-3536-2.
(25) M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2002) Stato dell’arte sulle tecniche di progetto di reti di TPL. In “Modelli e metodi per la programmazione dei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale: uno stato dell'arte”, a cura di F. Russo, Franco Angeli editore, 2002, pp. 54-67. ISBN 88-464-3536-2.
(26) B. Montella, M. Gallo, L. D'Acierno (2001) Un modello di assegnazione multimodale su iperrete per la simulazione degli spostamenti di tipo Park and Ride; In “Metodi e modelli per il trasporto pubblico locale”, a cura di Podestà C. e Maja R., Franco Angeli Editore, 2001, pp. 175-197. ISBN 88-464-2884-6.
(27) B. Montella, M. Gallo, R. Amirante (2000) Applicazione di una metodologia di progettazione di rete di trasporto collettivo al bacino di Caserta; In “Metodi e tecnologie dell’ingegneria dei trasporti”, a cura di Cantarella G.E. e Russo F., Franco Angeli Editore, 2000, pp. 385-405. ISBN: 88-464-1953-7.
(28) B. Montella, M. Gallo (1998) Dss per la generazione di schemi di circolazione e sosta da valutare nei Piani Urbani di Traffico; atti del V Convegno Nazionale della SIDT, Napoli 6-7 giugno 1996. (In “I piani urbani del traffico”, a cura di de Luca M. e Astarita V., Franco Angeli Editore, 1998, pp. 769-782). ISBN: 88-464-0883-7.
Publications in national proceedings
(1) M. Consales, M. Gallo, E. Zimeo (2022) La tariffa sui rifiuti puntuale nel Comune di Benevento: stato dell’arte del progetto ASIA Benevento S.p.A. Atti del Convegno Focus Rifiuti 2021 – Benevento, 15 dicembre 2021; pp. 25-42, Delta 3 Edizioni, ISBN 978-88-6436-994-5.
(2) B. Montella, M. Gallo, L. D’Acierno (2008) Un algoritmo meta-euristico per la progettazione di reti stradali urbane di grandi dimensioni. Proceedings of "MTISD 2008. Methods, Models and Information Technologies for Decision Support Systems" - Università del Salento, Lecce, 18 - 20 September 2008; pp. 127-130, ISBN 978-88-8305-061-9.
(3) R. Ciccarelli, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2008) L’analisi delle politiche di pricing in un contesto urbano con un approccio multimodale e multiutente. Proceedings of "MTISD 2008. Methods, Models and Information Technologies for Decision Support Systems" - Università del Salento, Lecce, 18 - 20 September 2008; pp. 261-264, ISBN 978-88-8305-061-9.
(4) L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo, B. Montella (2008) Un modello di punto fisso e relativi algoritmi per la simulazione della distribuzione urbana delle merci in un contesto multimodale. Proceedings of "MTISD 2008. Methods, Models and Information Technologies for Decision Support Systems" - Università del Salento, Lecce, 18 - 20 September 2008; pp. 309-312, ISBN 978-88-8305-061-9.
(5) B. Montella, L. D’Acierno, M. Gallo (2006) Metodologie di progettazione delle reti di trasporto a domanda elastica. Presentato al Convegno “Metodi, Modelli e Tecnologie dell’informazione a Supporto delle Decisioni – MTISD 06”. (ext. abs. ISBN 88-8399-080-3)
Other publications
(1) AA.VV. (2023) Rapporto Aree Interne della Campania. Focus Irpinia/Sannio. Edito da Confindustria Campania, Napoli, ISBN: 978-88-946808-1-2.
(2) AA.VV. (2015) Analisi del sistema della logistica in Campania e nella Provincia di Napoli. Valtrend editore, Napoli, ISBN: 978-88-88623-66-5.
(3) M. Gallo et al. (2015) Trasporto pubblico locale. Risorse, pianificazione, esercizio. Collana Ingegneria dei Trasporti, Egaf Edizioni srl, Forlì (FC), ISBN: 978-88-8482-631-2.
(4) M. Gallo et al. (2014) Reti urbane di trasporto: linee guida per l’analisi e il progetto. Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri, Quaderni del Centro Studi, n. 142/2014.
(5) M. Gallo (2003) Appunti di Tecnica ed Economia dei Trasporti. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Trasporti n. 128 – Anno 2003 – Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”. Depositato a norma di legge presso la Prefettura e la Procura di Napoli.
(6) E. Cascetta, B. Montella, M. Gallo, A. Bartolucci, M. Bielli, P. Delle Site (1999) Il Trasporto Pubblico Locale in Italia: analisi, prospettive e contributi della ricerca; CNR PFT2, marzo 1999.
(7) M. Gallo (1999) Progettazione all’equilibrio delle reti di trasporto stradale; Tesi del Dottorato di Ricerca in “Ingegneria dei Trasporti” XI Ciclo, Sede amministrativa Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, tutore prof. Ennio Cascetta, Gennaio 1999.